Item Bar PHP

Item Bar PHP is an application for creating your item showcase in seconds! Get the most out of your items, send more traffic to each item and boost your performance! XML driven! AJAX Pre-Sales Questions!

Item Bar PHP Easy Installation

Easily install the item bar! Just upload the files to your server directory.

XML Settings File

Use XML settings file to control the Item Bar PHP. Add items, affilates manage bar settings.

AJAX pre-sale questions mail form with newsletter subscribe

Contact form for the pre-sale questions! Easy AJAX access for your users.

Unlimited Items

Add as many items as you need. Multiple item bar is supported! Create links in your Item Bar PHP. Manage affilates in the XML settings file.

Desktop, Tablet and Mobile Previews

Check the item responsiveness for the most user screen resolutions in just one click.

Dark and Light Theme

Dark or light Item Bar PHP? It’s your call!

Social networks item share buttons

Share your items with the world with easy access share buttons!

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